Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The Impact of Drugs Usage

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            Drugs contains many danger material. It involves stimulants, chemicals, and toxics. Stimulant which is contained in drugs makes people still awake. It also increases human endurance. Chemical unsure used in drugs producing for mixing the other material well. It makes material mixing to be easily. And toxic also contained in drugs. It makes people to be addicted.
            Drugs has been claiming many sacrifice. Some of them are teeneger, public figure, and athlete. Teeneger has the most rate of the drugs victims. They have high curiosity so that they want to try anything they find. Then, public figure. Almost of them use drugs. It help them to increas their endurance. Because of their busy schedule, they need more stamina. And they keep their vitality by using drugs. The last is athlet. They has similarity case with the drugs using of public figure. Both of them use drug for keeping their endurance.
            Beside of the drugs dangers, it is avoidable. Besically there are two ways in avioding drugs. The fisrt way is by innerself and the secondly is outterself. Innerself includes personal knowladge. Good knowladge about the dengers of drugs makes people aware and avoid its dangers. And the outterself  way includes parents, friends, and goverments.  Parent have to direct their childern so that aware of the drugs dangers. Friends give the biggest impact for teenager in their mind. Good friends can bring you into good comprehension. And the last is goverments. They have big responsibility of the drugs dangers. They have to make policy to break the back of drugs usage.
            It’s needed coorperation of all elements for avoiding the drugs danger. We have to help each other. Goverments, parents, circle, even our self have to be cohasive to face the drugs dangers.

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